Thursday, March 30, 2006

New Post

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and kicking. Christine is on a ladies retreat in Cuenca, which is several hours south of here. I also wanted to inform you all that I found out the reason we haven't been able to post pictures here on our blog (I haven't fixed the problem yet, but I now know that the problem lies with our computer and not our internet connection). Anyways, things have been going well. We sure have a lot of pictures we would like to post. We were finally able to post some from a neighbor's house and that is also where I found the source of our computer problem. I wanted to let you know we have a new post with pictures, it is dated March 19, which is when we started working on it, but weren't able to complete it till now, when we put the pictures on.
I don't know too much to say...we are continuing with studies and getting to know people. Also, I have worked to plant a garden here. That helped it to feel like spring, even though we don't have seasons here (except rainy and dry). We have peppers (bell and chile), tomatoes (only two things that money can't buy, that's true love and homegrown tomatoes-has anybody heard this song "homegrown tomatoes"?) we also have strawberries. All of this is in addition to fruit trees that are in our yard, along with various flowers that we have planted. Hope we can put pictures of the garden on here some time.
By the way, I was kind of disappointed with the response to the last post about favorite albums...please give us some feedback, not just on that post, but in general...we love hearing your comments and thoughts. Email us if you have any questions about how to post comments (
Now I for a random occurrence that you wouldn't think would happen every day...tonight, I ate at a Chifa (a Chinese restaraunt). They have quite a few of these in many places. Well, I spoke in Spanish with the Chinese girl that was working there...don't know why, but it just seemed kind of strange (guess this is representative of the global community in which we live).
Now, to close with a special verse that I read recently-Isaiah 57:15-"For this is what the high and lofty One says-he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly and spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite."' The thing that I find amazing about this verse, is that it teaches about the character and position of God-not only is He high, exalted, and Almighty...he is also humble, and will remain with the humble as well. He is our friend, he wants relationship with us-that is what we were created for. Our God is not distant and out of reach, he loves us and he humbled himself by sending his Son to us to rescue us.


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