Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mt. Cayambe and prayer request

With a foot in both hemispheres. Here I am at the the equator, in the middle of the world. The other guy, to my right is Francisco, one of the translators. This is an area close to where the volunteers worked last week. We had a great time with them and they were a great group, even though they were from Oklahoma-just kidding! We are glad for the work they did and hope to see them again.
Amos 4:13-"He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth-the LORD God Almighty is his name."

This is a picture of Mt. Cayambe, another snow-capped volcano. It is not quite 19,000 feet tall. I think it is inactive. The equator actually passes over this mountain, making it the highest point on earth that is at the equator.
This is a sign posted on the way into a church. Interestingly, it says the following, 'Attention (ojo-literally 'eye') brother-turn off your cell phone and don't lose your blessing. Thanks.'

A quick prayer request...-Just want to let you know that Franklin Graham will be in Quito and having programs tomorrow night on Friday and Saturday evening. Please pray for this event and more importantly for the people that will be coming. Please pray that the gospel will be taught and received, all for the glory of the Father.


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