Friday, February 26, 2010

recent pictures and videos

Here is Evan with his tractor book. He really loves tractors.
Here we are sledding. He also loves to go sledding. He calls the sled his 'barco' which means boat in spanish. I'm not sure if this winter is ever going to end. We got over a foot of snow this last weekend.
Here is Miguel and Griselda. They are leaving town and we are sorry to that they are leaving. They have been with us this last year and have been one of the families that have been more involved. They were also baptized in our church last summer. They are moving to Minnesota and they will be with some of his brothers there. They are Christians there and have a good church there as well. Pray that God will continue to bless and use this beautiful family.
Here is Evan at Ginga and Pipa's (Evan's names for Christine's parents) with a tractor that they won at the farm show.
Here is a picture of Evan and Audrey sledding together. They really had a lot of fun.
Following are some videos I took the other day. I'm having to put the explanations of the videos before the videos because it won't let me put them with them for some reason.
These first two were taken of him looking at his tractor book. In the 2nd one, I ask him who drives a tractor and he says- 'Paul.'
The third one is 'Pants on the ground.' Evan often likes to pull his pants down. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
The fourth one shows him trying to feed our fish, Colt. This is something he started doing on his own.
The last one shows him laughing and saying 'All gross.' I don't even know what we were talking about but we said that and he started copying us and he thought it was the funniest thing. Well, I guess this is all for now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

new videos and pictures

Here are a couple of pictures that I took yesterday of Evan and Christine. Evan is wearing a hat that is from Nicaragua that a Nicaraguan family in our church gave him. He also has his drawing board that he loves so much. One of these pictures is a action shot of him drawing. He will tell us different things that he likes to draw, things like balls and cars.

These are videos of Evan dancing. I had put one of these on before but for some reason it didn't work for everyone.
Well, I guess this is all for now. Hope you enjoy these all.

Monday, February 08, 2010

recent pics

Here's a recent picture of Audrey, also known as Evan's partner in crime. Here is Evan wearing Audrey's cowboy hat. This and the next picture show a trip I took ice fishing a bit north of here. This was a program put on by the conservation department and was quite interesting. It was my first time to go ice fishing. We really don't have a whole lot of that in Texas! I didn't end up getting anything but not many people did. I'm glad for the experience and hope to go out again some time. The first picture shows the hole and my tackle on my sled. The second picture shows the lake that is frozen over and some of the other people that went. Here's Evan. This is a picture of Evan that was taken at the farm show last weekend. He really enjoyed seeing the tractors and the different displays. As for an update on the church- We celebrated our one year anniversary last weekend and that went quite well. We had a good turnout and it was a special time to celebrate. Keep praying for our church as we continue to seek the Lord and serve Him.
Here's a video of Evan dancing to close with. He is dancing to his new 'Slugs, Bugs and Lullabies' cd by Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame. This is the best kid's music album that I have heard. One review of it said it is an album that you can listen to hundreds of times without wanting to stick a fork in your ear. It comes highly recommended.