Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Volunteer pics, part 1

Well, here's some recent pictures. Sorry I haven't kept up so much as we've been pretty busy. There are a couple of Evan and some other ones from the volunteers that came last week. I'll be putting on some more later. This first one is of Evan with Scott Hume, who is the youth minister of the group that came and a leader for the trip.
This 2nd pic is of the team at a worship service in Guangopolo.
This third one was taken on our prayer walk in San Carlos. This is of Cotopaxi, which is covered in clouds and Sincholagua.
This one was taken of Evan last week. He's a little 'travieso'- a mischief-maker.
This last one is a sign for a neighborhood and the name of it it Liberty. I guess this is all for now. I hope to put on some more later, along with some videos.


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