Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas, 2008

Here are some Christmas photos.
Here's my snowman Texas-style, with a cowboy hat.
Evan all bundled up in his carseat.
Evan with daddy on his first Christmas.
Evan also turned 7 months on Christmas day. He's sure growing up.
Cousin was also her 1st Christmas.
Evan and Audrey.
This was my first white Christmas. Here, with Laura and Paul's help, we built a snowwoman. That's a plastic bouqet of flowers in her hand and dead yellow plant leaves for hair.
The sun going down on Christmas day.
Great-Grandpa with his great-grandkids.
Uncle Paul, Aunt Laura and Audrey.

Following are some pictures of my family that is here now. Here's Evan with Aunt Becca. Evan and Grammie.
Here's some trees that had ice on them. It started snowing later on and we ended up with a fair amount of snow. I guess an inch or so.
Following are some Christmas videos for your viewing pleasure.


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