Friday, May 12, 2006

It is finished!

The title of this blog is what I sent in a text message to Christine after my last final exam. My academic career is officially over, thank God. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to study Spanish here. I have really learned a lot but I will be glad to have more time to focus on work and everything else.
Well, I posted a picture of the flooded road in one of the last posts but that was nothing compared to what we went through yesterday. Sorry I don't have a picture to post here-1. We didn't have a camera with us, 2. We were to busy praying and just trying to get through. The water was rushing down this hill in a flash flood and was at least 2-3 feet deep. It filled the road, was overflowing on the sidewalks and going into the shops on the side of the road. We saw cars stalled out and floating away a bit. Fortunately, God carried us through.
Today, I was riding the bus home and I saw something very interesting. I really wish I had an actual photo to post of what I saw. I guess I will learn that I should carry a camera with me at all times. Anyways, I saw a small shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary of Quinche (one of the many Virgins of Ecuador) with the Divino Nino (the divine baby Jesus). The shrine was built into the front of the bus and at the bottom of this little shrine there was a small light bulb that would light up every time the driver hit the brakes. Just picture a statue of the picture on the left in a little box with a light bulb. On another bus, I saw a picture of a bikinied babe right by a picture of the Holy Family!


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