Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Hello all, once again. Just want to let everyone know that we made it back safely from our trip to Guayaquil. Thanks for praying for us. We also had a great time with the missionaries there and it was interesting to see the work there. I hope to post some pictures from our trip in the next few days or so. Sorry we didn't post anything while we were gone. We will be making up for it in the next few days.
The pictures I want to post on this blog are from a small day trip we took a couple of weeks ago. It was to another mountain called the Tablon (my o needs an accent mark, but you wouldn't know the difference unless you speak a little espanol). Anyways, Tablon means big table. It's kind of like a mesa that you would have in west Texas. We had a really nice time there. We went with Ramon and his family. He is the guy that has been helping us in some of the work and hopefully will continue to do so. Please pray for him and his family. We had a picnic up there and Ramon and I went on to climb the mountain as we were taking turns carrying his youngest son. It was such a beautiful place and it was great to get out in God's creation for a while to be reminded of God's power and grace. Here are some pictures from this trip. This first one is of the Tablon itself.
The next couple of pictures are from where we went to the top-well, not exactly to the top, but as high as we could go. We went right there to the edge of it and it was so windy by the edge.
In the background, is the Puntas, or the points. That will be another trip. I have heard that it takes a while to get up there.

This is a picture of Ramon and his family along with Christine.
Here is a picture of some llamas that we saw while we were up there. They were just so beautiful. They came running up to us and kind of stood around and I took some pictures of them.

Isaiah 44:21-23-"Remember these things, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel. I have made you, you are my servant; O Israel, I will not forget you.
I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you."
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel.

This is a passage of scripture I read not too long after our trip to the Tablon and it struck me as very interesting. If you read Isaiah 44, which I encourage you to do so-it talks about idolatry and really the futility of it. The passage talks about how God and His power are real but that idols are only fake. One way Isaiah points out the futility of idols in this passage is that he gives an example of someone that would make an idol-he says, in summary, someone takes some wood and and makes an idol, with the rest of that wood, he burns it to make a fire to cook with or warm himself with-how foolish is that! The conclusion of this passage that really struck me as interesting (in the part that I highlighted in red) is that the things that people have taken to worship as idols or false gods are actively involved in the praise and worship of the Creator. These creations should not be worshipped, they only point to the worship of the One True God. This is what Psalm 19 talks about, verses 1-4-"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun," So, in the end, I encourage you to enjoy God in nature, in His creation and give him praise in it. Put him first in all things. As he is Lord of all creation, let him be Lord (boss) of your life. Notice the changes that follow. As I am talking about idolatry, I'm not just talking about a little carving of wood, I am talking about anything that would put itself in front of God...anything that would be more important in our lives than God.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

UMO and Soccer games

You might have to click on this one to enlarge it, but I want to give a contest. The contest is to see if anyone one of you can identify this UMO (unidentifiable meat object). Feel free to put comments in the comments section and I'll let you know if you are right.
The next couple of pictures from 2 soccer games that I have attended within the last few weeks. The first one is of the Liga fans celebrating a goal. After each goal, they would run to the bottom of the bleachers and then back up. As you can see in the picture, there were others that would climb the fence there. They would also shoot off roman candles and other fireworks. Apparently, it is illegal to bring in a plastic water bottle (they didn't let me in w/ mine), but fair game on the fireworks. Fortunately, Liga (my favorite team) won this game against Aucas 4-3. They haven't been doing so well since the World Cup. Before the WC, they were in first place, now they are in next to last.
This next one is from another game I went to a few weeks ago. The result wasn't so fortunate in this game, they lost 5-1 to Deportivo Quito. That translates to about 49-7 in American football. This picture is of some Deportivo Quito fans with a banner they are holding. D. Quito fans are also known as the 'taxistas' or taxi drivers because a lot of the taxi drivers support Deportivo Quito.

Just want to let everyone know that we will be going on a trip for the next few days. We will be going to Guayaquil, which is down on the coast. We will be visiting some colleagues down there to check out the work there. Please be in prayer for safe travel (it is about an 8 hour drive down there). Also, please pray that we will have a good time of fellowship and that we will be able to learn from them as well.

Mark 4:26-29-He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."
I just read this passage yesterday during my quiet time and it was a real encouragement about the power of God's word and kingdom. Since arriving here (and in life in general) we've had varied degrees of what we would call success. Some days the people we see are eager to learn God's word and apply it to their lives. Other days, we cannot even find the people that we are looking for. Or we might find them but find they are not interested in studying the Bible at all. These verses were just a reminder about the power of God's word and that the 'results' are not always up to us. Please pray that we will remember this truth. Please pray that's God's word and truth would be powerful in our own lives and walk with the Lord. Also, please pray the same thing for the people of the valley and throughout Ecuador.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Farm life

Ok, I have quite a few pictures to post and a lot of catching up to do because the blog wasn't working for a while.
This first one is from a place up in the mountains a bit, overlooking the valley. It is a bit up the mountain from where Ramon's family's house church meets. We were waiting for a meeting there, taking in the beauty of the valley down below and we saw this dust devil off in the distance.
These next two are from Ramon's family's farm. Their main crop is strawberries that they send to a jam company. They also have several other plants and animals. We've been out there three times and each time, they've sent us back with bags full of strawberries. The other picture is of their cuyes (or edible guinea pigs).
This last picture is of a few great friends of ours. On the left is our friend, Ramon. The couple to the right of Christine are new believers. Then, there is their 2 kids and niece. Please lift up Edwin and Jenny in prayer, that they would grow in their faith and service to God. They are from the El Quinche area that I have mentioned before.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Yelling Chickens and TEXAS

First, I want to say the blog is working again...and there was much rejoicing. I'm still not sure what the problem was, but I'm glad it is working now.

WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE-the loudest rooster to ever pierce God's green earth with his crowing! (click on picture to enlarge)
Dead would be best, in Caldo de Gallo (Chicken soup), much better.
I have a funny story about this rooster that I want to share...we have some neighbors from England and they have some visitors now. Well, one night, the rooster woke up the visitor's boy with his crowing. The boy went on to ask his mom, 'why is that chicken yelling?' That's pretty much what it sounds like and he does it just about all throughout the day and very loudly.
Pray Daily for the Haleys- Presents Real Men of Genius.
Today we salute you, Mr. Way Too Proud of Texas Guy. Men from lesser states might know their state's capital, but you? You know you're state's bird, tree and even reptile. Love that horny toad. You display your pride with your Lone Star tattoo, "Native Texan" bumper sticker, and contempt for any state that doesn't start with "Tex" and end with "as." That spells Texas.
Sure, there are 49 other states in the Union, but they are smaller, wussier, and the people talk funny. Yankee wussies.
So crack open a nice cold beverage, oh lover of the Lone Star state. Because all that flag waving must have made you thirsty.

I just had to share this one, it was too funny to pass up. It also hit way too close to home for me. Anyways, I heard this while listening to a baseball game a few days ago, and wanted to share it with y'all. I tracked down the lyrics and posted them here. Well, I guess this is all for now. I have a lot more stuff I'd like to post (especially now that it's working), so stay tuned.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

August 17, 2006

Hello everyone, once again. We still aren't able to post pictures on the blog for some reason. Sorry about that. Once the problem gets rectified, I will be sure to post some pictures. We aren't even sure what the problem is and have no way of fixing it. We hope it works itself out. I spoke with a friend who had a similar problem and he said that is what happened but only after a couple of days. It has been longer for us.
If you are on our mailing list, then you've just received our last prayer newsletter. If you are not on the list, you can email us (at bchaley222@yahoo.com) and we'll be sure to email you a copy. Now y'all be sure to continue to 'Pray Daily for the Haleys.'
Psalm 35:28-My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long.
Please pray that we will live out the message of this verse. I would also like to challenge us all to live out these words as well. I pray that we will speak of the goodness of God and that praise of Him will fill our hearts and flow out of our lives and mouths. We do have much to praise God about.

Monday, August 14, 2006

update and escaping corruption

Just a quick update and scripture/thoughts on it. Sorry, it's been a few days since the last post. We have been pretty busy and I really didn't have anything to post until now. Now, I have a few ideas but for some reason the photo loading feature on the blog is not working right now. Once it starts working, I will have some pictures and some funny stories to share.

2 Peter 1:3-4-His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

We have everything we need, this is the truth. It is also true that we can have God's presence and we can try to be like Him. We have this thorough his promises. What has He said in His promises? That he'll never leave us. That we have been given abundant and eternal life. That we have been given the strength to live the new life. This is the thing, that strength comes from God, it doesn't and can never come from ourselves. It is the chief desire in Buddhism or in Eastern thought or religion to do what the last part of this verse says-about 'escaping the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.' While that is a noble goal, it is really impossible to do in our own power. We can't do it through our own strength, we can't do it through meditation or even by getting in tune with the universe. The only way these things can occur is if we have an inner change and that comes from God, not from ourselves.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The face of Christ & Ballpark Tour, part 2

The following is another favorite Chris Rice song of mine. It really makes you think of those that are in a difficult place in life. We really think of it here, just being surrounded by so much poverty. You feel there is only so much you can do, but you also have to realize that is better than nothing. I encourage you to read Matthew 25:31-46 about the sheep and goats that will be divided. The passage is summed in verse 40-"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. (Christ)"
I don't just want to talk about poverty and injustice in this world, I want to challenge us to do something about it. In this, I want to suggest a couple of practical ways that you can help. One of them, we are already involved in and it has been a great experience. We are sponsoring an orphan boy in Uganda through Compassion International (www.ci.org). Another one is through the International Mission Board, and this is the company we are working with. Throughout the world, they have different hunger/disaster relief projects that you can be involved with. (http://resources.imb.org/index.cfm/fa/donation.worldhunger.cfm) The last one to mention is World Relief (www.worldrelief.org), the company that Christine worked for in Ft Worth. They have various relief /development projects around the world as well. I encourage you to get involved in any one of these projects that is attempting to help the least of our brothers. I would love to hear stories of how you all are involved or will become involved in any of these projects. Feel free to put any comments or email us about your stories and involvement as well. To find more information about these projects just click on any of the aformentioned links.

The Face of Christ-Chris Rice
He shares a room outside with a dozen other guys, And the only roof he knows is that sometimes starry sky, A tattered sleeping bag on a concrete slab is his bed, And it’s too cold to talk tonight, So I just sit with him instead and think,
How did I find myself in a better place, I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face, ‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye, I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing, With the face of Christ,
After sixteen years in a cold, gray prison yard, Somehow his heart is soft, but keeping simple faith is hard He lays his Bible open on the table next to me, And as I hear his humble prayer, I feel his longing to be free someday,
How did I find myself in a better place, I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face, ‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye, I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing, With the face of Christ, See you had no choice which day you would be born, Or the color of your skin, or what planet you’d be on, Would your mind be strong, would your eyes be blue or brown, Whether daddy would be rich, or if momma stuck around at all, So if you find yourself in a better place, You can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face, You gotta stoop down low, look him square in the eye, And get a funny feeling, ‘cause you might be dealing ...How did I find myself in a better place, I can’t look down on the frown on the other guy’s face, ‘Cause when I stoop down low, look him square in the eye, I get a funny feeling, I just might be dealing, With the face of Christ. Copyright 2000 Clumsy Fly Music (ASCAP)

Next, let the ballpark tour continue...
This one is from the Great American Ballpark in Cinncinnati, home of the Reds. They lost this particular day to the Pirates but I got to see Ken Griffey Jr hit a home run. It is a really beautiful park, right by the Ohio River. I was able to go there with my former roommate Chris (we were in Uganda together).
These next two are from the old and new Busch park, in St. Louis. They are using the new one that they were building last year. I didn't get to see a game there, in the old one last year. The Cards weren't in town and we were just passing through for one night any way.
This next one is from Kansas City. Went there last year and saw my Rangers lose the Royals in a close game-Que pena! or what shame! The next day they whipped on the Royals, though. I also saw a game the Royals win a game against the Tigers the year before.
This last one is from LaGrave Field in Ft. Worth, the home of the Cats. I had several fun nights out there, especially last year as they won the Central Baseball League. They are in an independent league and back in the day were a AA farm team for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
So, take me out to the ballgame...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ballpark Tour, Isaiah 12 and Questions for heaven

I know what your thinking...baseball in Ecuador?-WRONG! I wish. The only baseball here is what comes via internet radio on my computer and a few games on cable now and then (have only seen a couple of those, though.) Anyways, I was looking at some pictures from last summer and decided to put some of these pictures on from different ballparks. If you don't know, I'm a big baseball fan. I love to go the games, especially. As it's in the thick of summer and the Rangers aren't too far out of first place, I am really missing going to the games. So, here's a little virtual tour of some different ballparks that I went to last summer in honor of being away from baseball.
This first picture is from my favorite park in the world, the Ballpark in Arlington, though the powers that be decided to change it to Ameriquest park.com a couple of years ago. Forever in my heart it will be the ballpark. Go Rangers, go! The friend with me there is Juan, a Cuban friend that we knew in Ft. Worth. A great guy and brother in Christ. I was able to talk to Juan and his wife Tania few days ago on the phone and that was a great encouragement on how far I have come with Spanish. Talking to them helped me to remember what shape my Spanish was in when I left and what it is now.
The next two are a dream come true-Wrigley Field. I was able to go here on a trip through the Midwest with Christine and her folks last summer and this is one place we went while in Chicago. Unfortunately, the Cubs lost to the Rockies that day, but it was an awesome experience. It was really like taking a step back in time. Fenway will be next.
There she is, Wrigley Field!

While in Chicago, I also got to go the 2005 World Champ Chicago White Sox park...unfortunately, they weren't in town, so I didn't get to go to a game but did get to stop by outside the park.

Now for a little scripture and Chris Rice lyrics...

Here's another good 'un from Isaiah. Isaiah 12-In that day you will say: "I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforrted me. Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world. Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you."

The parts of the verses in purple/blue are the parts of the verses that have meant a lot to me at various times. The first is that God is our salvation. He is the one that provides it and has offered it. Salvation doesn't come from us, it is a gift of God. The next is a nice reminder that strength and song also comes from God. This has been a nice reminder as we've been so busy here recently. I think the strength represents physical and spiritual, at least I've seen that in my life. I think the song part represents the joy and peace that God has given us, even in the midst of crazy circumstances. The last is what we've been trying to do, make known among the nations what God has done...this is big part of God's heart and I pray that you would be involved in making God's name known and praised in all the world. Pray how God would have you involved in his heart and his desire for the nations to know Him.

The following are lyrics from a favorite singer of mine, Chris Rice. He is just an amazing singer and songwriter. If you haven't had the chance, I strongly recommend listening to his music. I will put lyrics from some of his songs in the next few blogs. This one is cool...can you think of any questions for heaven? Feel free to put them in the comments section.
Questions For Heaven-Chris Rice and Monroe Jones

Feel the sun in my eyes, Swat that clumsy fly, Woke me up from a dream about heaven, I’m smellin’ coffee downstairs, Yawn a quick little prayer, And get up at a quarter to seven, The mirror catches my stare, Got some nice pillow hair, And I smile all the way to the bathroom, Scratch my whiskery chin, Now my cranium swims, With questions I can’t wait to ask You, Like, why did You bother with so many stars? Do You ever play tricks on the angels? And what happened to all those dinosaurs? Where’s the Garden of Eden? And what causes deja vu? I guess in heaven I’ll learn, I’ll be waiting my turn, To ask about quasars and feathers, i hope the line isn’t long, I hope Your patience is strong, It’s a good thing forever’s forever! Do our jokes make You laugh? What’s Your favorite cologne? Can You tell me what’s out past the edges? And what about UFO’s, taste buds and tornados? Why do we dream? Oh, and what causes deja vu? Time to call it a day, Time to turn off my brain, It’s already half past eleven, I reach to turn out the light, Close my sleepy eyes, I’ll save all the questions for heaven, I’ll save all the questions for heavenI’m saving up questions for heaven. Copyright 2000 Clumsy Fly Music (ASCAP)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sheppard quote, Kid's prayers and El Quinche

"Jesus didn't just come to die, he came to show us how to live." -Paul Sheppard
A quote taken from his latest sermon series going through the book of Romans...quite thought provoking. I really recommend a listen to this series from a great Bible teacher...it is quite interesting, has great material and doctrine on the faith/practical living teaching as well. (Go to the link on the right hand side and go from there).

The next item is related to kid's prayers. I saw these in a book that I gave to a friend a couple of years back and then saw these again in a forwarded email. Just wanted to share them with you all. There are a couple of them that are funny and the other two are quite thought-provoking.
-"Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy."-Joyce
-"If you watch in church on Sunday, I will show you my new shoes."-Mickey D.
-"I bet it is hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only four people in our family and I can never do it." -Nan
-"Dear God, I think about you sometimes even when I'm not praying."-Elliot

The last item is related to Ramon's story and about El Quinche. I had shared before about El Quinche in a previous post. It is a big pilgrimage site for the Virgin of El Quinche. Well, we had a group of volunteers go there one day. Beforehand, I had requested prayer for this special area. Now, I would like to share an update with you. To the left is a picture of the cathedral there. The first story is about Ramon, he is the one that I shared about in a previous post-he said that if God hadn't rescued him and brought him to where he is now, he would be dead or in prison. Well, one of the volunteers met Ramon in one of the other towns but he and his wife are from the El Quinche area and are planning on moving back. I had a chance to meet him when the volunteers were here and spent more time with him last week. He is a really solid guy and has been a Christian for about 2 years. He wants to start works in the area of El Quinche. In fact, his family already has a house church that has been meeting for about 2 years. We went last Sunday and had a wonderful time. This is a group that is already existing and is the kind of group that we would like to see multiplied throughout the Valley. We hope to work with Ramon and his family to see more of these groups started. One cool thing about going out there is that the family has a small farm and they gave us a small tour. The best part is that their main crop is strawberries and they let us pick some to take home. Will have to share about Edwin's family(another family from the El Quinche area) another time.