Well, the team made it in this morning. There was a little hiccup and they were diverted to Honduras for several hours but made it here this morning. They were supposed to make it in last night. They are resting this morning, then we plan on having an orientation this afternoon and then we plan on visiting one of the main churches they'll be working with. As we get going, I have a few specific prayer requests related to what they'll be doing and when.
-Pray that the orientation and worship service and Guangopolo go well today, that we'll get our feet on the ground and get going.
-Pray for
Monday as the whole team goes out prayerwalking in San Carlos (where Jose Rueda lives) and El Quinche (a pilgrimage site dedicated to the Virgin Mary). Pray that the team will be focused on prayer and pray that God will hear the prayers and further His kingdom in these areas and throughout the valley. We will also be having a leader's/Pastor's meeting on Monday evening. We will have prayer, a meal and a topic of leadership. Pray that the meeting will come together and that it will be a time of encouragement for the brothers.
-Pray for
Tues-Thurs as the team splits up. The bigger team will be going to Guangopolo in the afternoons to help lead a Vacation Bible School and the other team will be going with me to do agricultural projects in Ascazubi (Ramon's) and Las Palmeras. Pray for the organization of the VBS and that the kids will come and have fun and learn about Jesus and draw close to Him. The VBS teams will also be visiting three different churches to do youth programs dealing with 'True Love Waits' (a sexual purity program for youth). They will be going to Las Palmeras, Luz del Valle, and Conocoto. Pray for the youth and the local youth as they have these programs. This is a very important issue in Ecuador for youth. The ag team will be touring farms and having classes in the evening to help the folks with their crops and animals. There will be a couple of brothers coming down from Ibarra to help us with this project. Pray that the local churches will receive favor as we go out and try to provide this service. Pray that we might have chances to share the gospel as well.
Friday will be a tourism day and we'll be returning to Guangopolo to have a parent's night and a movie. Pray that many parents will show up and we'll be able to share with them as well. We are also hoping to get contacts out of this to start home Bible studies. Pray for this aspect as well.
-Saturday morning the team will be returning to Oklahoma...pray for them as they travel.
-Lastly, pray that 'God would open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ...Pray that we all would proclaim it clearly as we should.' (Colossians 4:3-4)
I guess this is all for now. I hope to put updates, more prayer requests and maybe some photos as we go along...so stay tuned.