Thursday, July 31, 2008

pics and vol update

well, here's some recent photos of Evan and one with Christine. they were taken last weekend. sorry i don't have any of the team here. we are all having a great time (especially me with the ag team). you can be sure that pics and maybe video will be coming. keep praying for us. we are all a bit tired but things are going well. here's a verse that really encouraged me this morning- Psalm 116:7- 'Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.' guess this is all for now.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Prayer requests for Volunteer team

Well, the team made it in this morning. There was a little hiccup and they were diverted to Honduras for several hours but made it here this morning. They were supposed to make it in last night. They are resting this morning, then we plan on having an orientation this afternoon and then we plan on visiting one of the main churches they'll be working with. As we get going, I have a few specific prayer requests related to what they'll be doing and when.
-Pray that the orientation and worship service and Guangopolo go well today, that we'll get our feet on the ground and get going.
-Pray for Monday as the whole team goes out prayerwalking in San Carlos (where Jose Rueda lives) and El Quinche (a pilgrimage site dedicated to the Virgin Mary). Pray that the team will be focused on prayer and pray that God will hear the prayers and further His kingdom in these areas and throughout the valley. We will also be having a leader's/Pastor's meeting on Monday evening. We will have prayer, a meal and a topic of leadership. Pray that the meeting will come together and that it will be a time of encouragement for the brothers.
-Pray for Tues-Thurs as the team splits up. The bigger team will be going to Guangopolo in the afternoons to help lead a Vacation Bible School and the other team will be going with me to do agricultural projects in Ascazubi (Ramon's) and Las Palmeras. Pray for the organization of the VBS and that the kids will come and have fun and learn about Jesus and draw close to Him. The VBS teams will also be visiting three different churches to do youth programs dealing with 'True Love Waits' (a sexual purity program for youth). They will be going to Las Palmeras, Luz del Valle, and Conocoto. Pray for the youth and the local youth as they have these programs. This is a very important issue in Ecuador for youth. The ag team will be touring farms and having classes in the evening to help the folks with their crops and animals. There will be a couple of brothers coming down from Ibarra to help us with this project. Pray that the local churches will receive favor as we go out and try to provide this service. Pray that we might have chances to share the gospel as well.
-Friday will be a tourism day and we'll be returning to Guangopolo to have a parent's night and a movie. Pray that many parents will show up and we'll be able to share with them as well. We are also hoping to get contacts out of this to start home Bible studies. Pray for this aspect as well.
-Saturday morning the team will be returning to Oklahoma...pray for them as they travel.
-Lastly, pray that 'God would open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ...Pray that we all would proclaim it clearly as we should.' (Colossians 4:3-4)
I guess this is all for now. I hope to put updates, more prayer requests and maybe some photos as we go stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sports pictures, Evan and Don Miguel

Well, here's the sports pictures I promised in the newsletter. I also put a recent picture of Evan and a picture of our friend that passed away yesterday.
These first two pictures are of Ecuavolley. This wasn't a serious game and was one of the few times that I actually played. I forgot to mention that alcohol and Ecuavolley are good buddies. These pics were taken in Barrio Rojas, which is near our house. They are playing there in front of the local Catholic church.

I know baseball isn't common at all in Ecuador but I taught it to the children at La Fuente (Dave and Ana's in Tingo). We have played several times and they really enjoy it. One day I also explained the history of baseball and told them about Jackie Robinson. These next three pics are from one day that we all played baseball (really wiffleball with slightly modified rules).

Here's a picture of some guys playing soccer which is the most popular sport in Ecuador. This was taken in the Valle del Chota, which is where a lot of Ecuador's best soccer players came from. I went there on a day trip last Friday and have a lot more pics to show from that trip, but here is one of them.
Here's another recent photo of Evan.
Lastly is a picture of our dear friend Don Miguel and his wife. We knew him as Don Miguel (Don is like Mr. with a little more respect). I took this picture about 3 months ago when we went to his home area of Chimborazo. He had asked me to go for a long time and we finally went. I am so glad we did. I am just sad that he never got to meet little Evan. He died suddenly, so it was one of those things 'I meant to do' but it never happened. I do know he got to meet his grandson that was born about 8 days ago, so that was nice. We are sad and we miss our friend but we know to be 'absent from the body is to be present with the Lord' (2 Cor. 5:1-10). I just ask you to pray for his family, many friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Evan hiccupping

I took this video of Evan last week as he was hiccupping.

recent pics of Evan

Hello everyone again. I'm sorry it's been a while since our last blog. We've been very busy this last week. We've been trying to do Evan's paperwork. Let's just say that paperwork isn't the easiest thing to do in Ecuador. We're getting there but we have a little ways to go. I ask you to pray for us as we try to finish up his paperwork. We've also been getting ready for the group of volunteers that will be coming next week (July 26-Aug 2). I'll be putting up specific prayer requests and pictures related to them later on this week but ask you to begin praying for them and the folks they'll be working with. Following are some pictures taken of Evan and us over the last week or so.
These first two were taken when we went over to Jose, Rut and Esteban's house for them to meet Evan for the first time. Jose helps me in the work in the southern part of the valley. He's a dear Christian brother and has helped me a lot in my ministry. Him and his wife have a similar testimony to us in that they thought they wouldn't be able to have a child but Esteban came along. He's about 3 now. I ask you to pray for them in their ministry but also especially that God would provide a job for Jose, as he has been out of work for a while.
Here's Christine with Norma and Antonio with their baby Dalis. We came to know Norma several months ago through another missionary. She's a new believer (but now has not quite a year in Christ now). She had her baby a couple of weeks after Christine did. I ask you to pray for them as well, especially as her husband is yet to accept Christ.
The next couple of pictures are from a dedication that Evan had at a local church that we've worked with. This is Luz del Valle/Light of the Valley church. They really aren't too far away from us but we didn't hear of them until a few months ago. We attend there every once in a while and I've been able to do some teaching on discipleship there. We were glad that they were able to do a dedication for Evan. This was his 2nd dedication, we know he'll have at least one more here and a couple back in the States. He's a popular guy! It's just that we work with different churches and we want folks to see what they prayed for.

This one was taken during the service as Evan had fallen asleep this way.
The rest of these were taken of him this afternoon.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

pics and a video

Here are some friends that we met at the conference. We actually met them at last year's conference but they are all good friends that are working in Colombia. From left-right, Christine and Evan, Brian & Ronda, Jamie and Charles. I ask you to pray for them in their work and ministry. The whole conference time was pretty busy but we had some time off last Sunday afternoon. We went to the Panecillo (a hill in the middle of Quito, where this photo was taken) and then we went to a park. Following are a couple more pictures from that day. Next, is a guy playing a fiddle in the park. I just thought this was kind of an interesting picture... No, this isn't a two headed snake. It is two boa constrictors that we saw at the snake/frog/lizard house. That was really pretty interesting. Lastly, is a picture we took of Evan the other day as he was knocked out and a video of him starting to go to sleep. I wanted to get more on this video but the camera turned itself off. I hope to put another video of him on next time.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

conference pics

Well, we made it back from the conference in Quito. We had a good time of fellowship, meetings, etc. It is good to be back home, especially as I need to get ready for the volunteer team that's coming at the end of the month. Here are some pictures from the last few days for your enjoyment. This first one was taken of us after a worship service that we had.
Here's Evan looking cute on his changing mat.
Here's Evan with some of his buddies. There is Julie Clifton and Matthew (he was born in Feb.), then there is part of the Heard clan (Megan, Ann-3, Sam-2 and Ben-10 months). Megan told me that Sam prayed for baby 'Heaven' (Evan). There was another missionary kid that gave a piece of candy to give to Evan. I told her that I would give it to him in a few years. What fun are kids! Matthew, Ben and Evan stayed in the nursery together. There was a team that came from Hilldale, TN to help with the nursery and VBS for the kids. We really appreciated that and it was a big blessing.
Here's Christine/Evan with Megan and Ben. Well, I guess this is all for now. I hope to put on a couple of more pics and a video on tomorrow (Sat. by the latest.)
Isaiah 40:10-11- 'See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.' Here's a scripture I read today that spoke to me in a special way. It's a reminder of the strength of the Lord but also his tenderness. This is why Jesus is known as the 'Great Shepherd.'

Saturday, July 05, 2008

July 4th

Well, here are some pictures from July 4th. We're here at the conference as I mentioned before. I forgot to mention that we do have internet here, so I'll be able to post some as I've done. These pics are of us together on July 4th. I know the 3rd one isn't real flattering but I thought it was kind of funny, as Evan had just produced an unpleasant smell.

This last one is of him getting out of the bath, kind of wrapped up in his towel. Well, I guess this is all for now.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Liga wins and a video

These first two pictures are of Liga's 2nd game against Fluminense (in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). It's a long story on how Liga won but they won the Liberator's Cup and are now champions of South America. It's been a pretty big deal as this is the 1st Ecuadorian team to win this major tournament. I ended up watching the game with Dad and Angel and his family. It came down to penalities, so it was pretty intense. Following are a couple of pictures of the game taken from the newspaper (El Comercio.) There's been celebrations here in Quito since they won. A play during the game.
Celebrating with the cup!
Lastly is a video that I tried to put on the other day. It was taken from Evan's dedication service out in Ascazubi (Ramon's church.) This is of them singing one of my favorite songs. It is based on Psalm 121and has traditional Ecuadorian music. The words on this video are from verses 1 and 2- 'I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.' I guess this is all for now. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of Evan but hope to put on some tomorrow. I also hope to put on some pics from this dedication service later on as well. We have made it to Quito for the conference and it has been nice. We've met with some old friends and met some new ones.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

recent pics

Well, here are some more pictures from the last few days. I don't have too many for now as I haven't taken so many. Mom has taken more and I'm going to get her pictures and may try to put some more on later. Last week, we went to visit Samuel, Mary and their new baby Gershom. They are our friends from Kenya. Samuel has helped me a lot in the ministry. Here is Christine with Gershom and Mary with Evan.
Here's a picture of Dad (Papa), Mom (Grammie) and Evan over at Dave and Ana's. Here's Grammie holding Evan. They are getting ready to go back tomorrow. We are trying to enjoy the time we have with them until then. Well, I don't know how much I'll be able to post this upcoming week as we'll be at a conference up in Quito. I'm hoping to have internet access. I ask you to pray for us and other colleagues as we are at this conference. That it would be a good time of learning and fellowship.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

various pics

Well, here are the pics I promised. Again, these were taken before my parents came (I hope to put some more recent ones on tomorrow and in the coming days. These are the kind of views that we'll miss when we leave. As our time is beginning to get short, I am thinking of things that we'll miss and other things that we won't miss. View like this go on the miss list. Several visits to one office to do one thing to register Evan go on the not miss list. This picture was taken outside of a dental clinic I helped out at a couple of weeks ago. I didn't get any pics at the clinic but did get this one.
Here's Evan. We had put this blanket over his bed. We saw the blanket moving all of a sudden and he kind of popped out. It was pretty cute.
This is a visit we had from Ramon, his wife (Blanca) and his mom (Marina). As the following picture shows, they brought a chicken and some oranges.
The last picture is of some other friends that are leaving tomorrow (or the next day?). They are Jonathan and Elisa (with Evan). We came to know them through Dave and Ana at La Fuente. They were part of a Bible study we had at Dave and Ana's and came to be dear friends. We are going to miss them. They are going back to England where Jonathan is from. I ask you to pray for them as they go. It seems like many are leaving here now and it will be our turn before too long. I will close with a couple of verses from the Psalms that spoke to me in a special way the other day. In a way, it's a special prayer for many friends here, especially those that are leaving.
Psalm 5:11-12- 'But let all who take refuge in you (God) be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with a shield.'

Random pics/La Fuente

Well, sorry it's been a while since my last post. We've been kind of busy and hadn't had too much time to post anything. We have been doing well. These pictures I'm posting were actually taken before my parents got here. I think I have one more round of these (will try to post them later today) and then I have some that were taken recently on the camera that I need to put on the computer and then on here. FYI- These pictures are a smaller size then what I've been putting on but you can make them larger by clicking on them. This and the next couple of pictures were taken at La Fuente (Dave and Ana's project). This was on the last day of the project before the summer break. Dave and Ana are going back to England for the summer but will be back later to have a vacation Bible school in mid-August. Please continue to pray for them and the program. This 1st pic was taken of Evan and Saul. Saul was born on May 2 and is the son of a lady that works at the project.
Here's Michelle and Dayana.
Here's Michael, Jose and Andy. These are all kids that attend the program (La Fuente).
Here's a picture that Christine took of Evan and me napping. Me being a dad and Evan being a baby is hard work! You gotta rest some time!
The last picture is of a missionary family that we came to know, love and work with. They are the Lamcas (minus eldest son Brian). They went back to the States last week after being in Peru and Ecuador for 8 years. I ask you to pray for them in this time of transition. I guess this is all for now. I hope to put on a post later today and another on tomorrow.